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Beta Readers

Have a LoEG/LXG story you want read? Send it out to one of our betas, but remember your beta-quette.

If you would like to be a beta reader for The League Of Extraordinary Fanfiction, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Name: AcidicAmperage
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling, grammar, plot, everything else that exists..
Specialities: Characterisation, word choice.
Preferences: I'm addicted Jekyll angst/torture fiction. The Jekyll/Mina romance/ralationship stories are quite nice. Tasteful slash is always welcomed.
Dislikes: Senseless slash, fluffy, romance, Dorian stories, Tom stories, novel length stories, HATES MARY SUES/GARY STUES.
Contact Before Sending: You better. I'll kick your ass if you don't.

Name: Alice
Ratings: PG-13 to NC-17.
Checks: Grammar, punctuation... usual stuff.
Specialities: Anything with Jekyll or Dorian involved.
Preferences: Slash!
Dislikes: Anything involving Mina or Tom.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary.

Name: Amoralphreak
Ratings: All.
Checks: Just about everything.
Specialities: Sentence and flow nitpicks.
Preferences: Comicverse... Most anything, really.
Dislikes: Fluff.
Contact Before Sending: Yes.

Name: Anacalagon
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammer, characterisation.
Specialities: Characterisation.
Preferences: Skinner (straight or no), romances, OCs
Dislikes: Mary Sues.
Contact Before Sending: Don't care, but you need to mention "beta" in the subject, or it will be deleted.

Name: antonia
Ratings: All.
Checks: Everything.
Specialities: Plot.
Preferences: Jekyll, Skinner, and Nemo.
Dislikes: Slash.
Contact Before Sending: No.

Name: Danielle
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammar, spelling, continuity.
Specialities: See above.
Preferences: None (I like it all.)
Dislikes: I'm not big on slash, but I'll read it if asked.
Contact Before Sending: It'd be nice, but it's not required.

Name: darkmistress
Ratings: PG-13 to NC-17.
Checks: Everything.
Specialities: Plot, spelling.
Preferences: Jekyll/Skinner slash.
Dislikes: Mary Sues.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, please.

Name: Dorian Chasez
Ratings: All.
Checks: All.
Specialities: See above.
Preferences: All.
Dislikes: None.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, please.

Name: Dorothy
Ratings: All.
Checks: Plot, characterisation.
Specialities: Anything with Mina and Dorian involved.
Preferences: Romantic with Dorian and Mina.
Dislikes: Mary Sues and changing characters.
Contact Before Sending: Yes.

Name: Drakena the Destroyer
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling, grammar, plot holes.
Specialities: Jekyll, Mina, and Skinner centered stories.
Preferences: Jekyll related slash, and some friendship fics.
Dislikes: Mary-Sues, bad grammar.
Contact Before Sending: Sure.

Name: Enduro
Ratings: Anything.
Checks: Grammar, characterisation, spelling, correct word flow..
Specialities: Spelling, grammar, and Dorian characterisation.
Preferences: I prefer Mina and Dorian fiction, especially romance or angst, but everything else is fine.
Dislikes: Slash couples that make absolutely no sense, no characterisation.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary, although if I am to beta you, a hello would be fine.

Name: Fay Ivy
Ratings: Just about anything.
Checks: Spelling, plot, characterization, style, continuity.
Specialities: Plot, descriptions... Well, see above.
Preferences: Tom, Skinner.
Dislikes: Out of chararcter dialogues and behavior, exaggerated smut.
Contact Before Sending: Yes please.

Name: freakydarling
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammer, spelling, accent spelling.
Specialities: Humor.
Preferences: Humor, Jekyll/Skinner slash, songfics, OC romance.
Dislikes: Dorian related, Nemo/Allan.
Contact Before Sending: If you want to.

Name: Haisley
Ratings: All.
Checks: Pretty much everything.
Specialities: Grammar, spelling, continuity.
Preferences: All.
Dislikes: Mpreg, novel-length fics.
Contact Before Sending: Yes.

Name: Jaguar Kitty
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling, Grammar, Plot, Characterization, Style.
Specialities: Felicity of style, description, grammar nitpicky.
Preferences: Thoughtfully written fic.
Dislikes: PWP.
Contact Before Sending: Yes.

Name: Kana
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling, punctuation, formatting.
Specialities: As said above...
Preferences: Jekyll centered... *grin*
Dislikes: Mary Sues... poorly written slash, no paragraphs...
Contact Before Sending: Please.

Name: Karen
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammar, characterization, logic and continuity, pretty much anything.
Specialities: Grammar and syntax (language in general), voice, plot.
Preferences: Jekyll, but I'll read anything.
Dislikes: Anything that depicts the characters out of, well, character.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary.

Name: Kathryne
Ratings: All.
Checks: Most everything.
Specialities: Grammar/spelling, plot.
Preferences: Mina-fic *g*, but really anything.
Dislikes: Mary Sues, feminized males in slash.
Contact Before Sending: Please.

Name: Kessie
Ratings: G to R.
Checks: Pretty much everything.
Specialities: Grammar and spelling.
Preferences: Anything Dorian-related is nice. And slash.
Dislikes: Stories with 5+ chapters, Mary Sues (but don't mind well-developed OC's).
Contact Before Sending: Yes please.

Name: Lady Aoi
Ratings: G to tasteful NC-17.
Checks: Spelling, characterization, syntax, plot structure, grammer.
Specialities: All English-major related stuff.
Preferences: Nemo/Jekyll, Mina/Allen, non-romantic fic.
Dislikes: Rape fic, PWP, excessive (i.e. pointless) violence, underage sex (not a problem in this fandom, probably).
Contact Before Sending: Please. I'm in my final year of college, so I'm often bogged down with homework.

Name: Majokai Yukiko
Ratings: PG-13 to NC-17.
Checks: Plot mainly. A bit of spelling and grammer as well.
Specialities: Plot.
Preferences: Slash. Any sort of slash.
Dislikes: Het. If you write het, don't even bother contacting me.
Contact Before Sending: That will be nice. Though not necessary.

Name: Moony Girl
Ratings: G to R.
Checks: Grammar/spelling, characterization, logic/continuity.
Specialities: Logic, details, characterizations.
Preferences: Slash, character pieces.
Dislikes: Mary Sues, stupid humour, lack of logic.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, that would be great. Please.

Name: Parke Matru
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling/Grammar, Continuity, Comicverse.
Specialities: Making sure it's at least comprehensable.
Preferences: Comicverse... Most anything, really.
Dislikes: Dorian and/or Sawyer.
Contact Before Sending: Yes.

Name: Penelope
Ratings: Any.
Checks: Grammar, spelling, punctuation... whatever.
Specialities: Plot, descriptions, spelling... again, whatever.
Preferences: Pretty much everything; Jekyll is a plus, as is slash, but I do whatever.
Dislikes: Mary Sues, mpreg, OOC-ness.
Contact Before Sending: If possible.

Name: Res
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammar, punctuation, plot, characterisation.
Specialities: See above.
Preferences: Dorian/Tom/Jekyll/Skinner.
Dislikes: Mary-Sues, PWPs, Mpreg, OOCness.
Contact Before Sending: Please!

Name: Rhi
Ratings: All.
Checks: All.
Specialities: All.
Preferences: All.
Dislikes: None.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary.

Name: Scylla Adell
Ratings: Any.
Checks: Spelling/punctuation, word/story flow, some characterization.
Specialities: Spelling/punctuation.
Preferences: Tom/Dorian slash, but I'll read almost anything.
Dislikes: Mary Sues, Het, extremely AU stories.
Contact Before Sending: Yes. Or I'll hurt you.

Name: Settiai
Ratings: Anything.
Checks: Spelling, characterisation, word flow.
Specialities: Canon details.
Preferences: All.
Dislikes: Mary Sues, OOCness, mpreg, noncon.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, please.

Name: ThePet
Ratings: All.
Checks: Brit pick, grammar, characterisation.
Specialities: Characterisation, Brit pick.
Preferences: Character studies, Skinner and/or Griffin fics.
Dislikes: OCs (especially Mary-Sue), OC romance, songfics.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, please.

Name: Tobias
Ratings: All.
Checks: Spelling, characterization, grammar.
Specialities: Check above.
Preferences: Anything.
Dislikes: Mary Sues.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary.

Name: Tom loves Huck
Ratings: G to R.
Checks: Spelling, punctuation, formatting.
Specialities: Look above my dear.
Preferences: Tom/Huck, slash, Skinner.
Dislikes: Tom/Dorian, pointless fluff if it is good fluff okay, changing the character.
Contact Before Sending: Not needed.

Name: Tsuki
Ratings: All.
Checks: Grammar, spelling, word flow, characterization, melodrama, ETC!!!!!
Specialities: Characterization, syntax, diction, over-all structure.
Preferences: Dorian Gray, Tom Sawyer, stories that deal with Literature behind characters, dark tales, psychological edges... and slash is *perfectly* fine...
Dislikes: OCs, Mary-Sues-- also, I'm not a huge fan of Nemo slash, but mostly I'll read anything. But I don't read ff that focuses ONLY on the comic, as I am not as familiar with the plot as I am with the movie.
Contact Before Sending: *shrugs* Sure, or just combine a contact message AND story...

Name: veritas
Ratings: All.
Checks: Characterisation, word flow.
Specialities: Jekyll/Skinner, sweet, cute..
Preferences: Slash, writer knows what he or she is writing.
Dislikes: When one of the characters is totally changed..
Contact Before Sending: Please. *with puppy eyes*

Name: Vert
Ratings: All.
Checks: Brit pick, word flow, etc.
Specialities: Brit pick.
Preferences: Dorian related.
Dislikes: Nemo/Allan.
Contact Before Sending: Not necessary.

Name: V. F. Weasel
Ratings: G to NC-17.
Checks: Spelling, characterization, continuity, story flow.
Specialities: Characterization and literature references.
Preferences: Slash, darkfic, character introspective.
Dislikes: Fluff, anything out of character, original characters including but not limited to Mary Sues.
Contact Before Sending: Yes, please.



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